Why Additive for Defence?

November 16, 2023
Audrey Yong

Imagine a technology so revolutionary that it is reshaping the foundations of modern defence. Additive Manufacturing, commonly known as 3D Printing or Industrial Manufacturing, is not merely a choice; it is a strategic force, fortifying security and magnifying the might of our armed forces.

The Defence Industry, a pioneer in technological advancement, demonstrates its commitment to progress by developing pioneering and exceptional weaponry and equipment. The integration of Additive Manufacturing into the Defence sector is a natural progression.

Projections indicate that the military sector’s embrace of 3D printing will reach a substantial value of USD $1.7 billion by 2027. But what fuels this growth? Additive Manufacturing offers many benefits, including cost reduction, improved designs,and heightened technical and commercial competitiveness. Additionally, it simplifies the maintenance of military assets through on-demand production of essential parts and components.

Enhancing Military Capabilities through Advanced Materials and Technology

In the realm of modern warfare, the importance of stealth and lightweight materials cannot be overstated. Additive Manufacturing plays a vital role in this domain, facilitating the creation of intricate geometries and advanced materials that enhance stealth capabilities while reducing the weight of military equipment. The versatility and precision of Additive Manufacturing results in the development of more agile, fuel-efficient, and maneuverable platforms, such as aircraft and vehicles, enhancing the military’s operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Sustaining Military Readiness: Streamlined Maintenance and Repairs

Maintenance and repairs are a critical aspect of military operations. Additive Manufacturing empowers armed forces to streamline the production of replacement parts and execute repairs in a cost-effective and efficient manner. This does not only extend the lifespan of existing equipment but also ensures that military units can maintain operational effectiveness in the field without relying on a constant supply of spare parts.

Strengthening Military Supply Chains: The Resilience of Additive Manufacturing

The military sector’s reliance on a complex global supply chain, compounded by the need for specialised components, can pose significant challenges. Supply chain disruptions resulting from natural disasters or geopolitical conflicts can have far-reaching consequences. Additive Manufacturing emerges as a solution to this vulnerability by enabling the on-demand production of critical components and reducing the dependence on extensive stockpiles. This empowers military units stationed in remote locations to create essential parts on-site, reducing their reliance on distant supply chains.

Apart from enhancing military capabilities, ensuring military readiness, and fortification of military supply chains, there are additional advantages to leveraging Additive Manufacturing in the Defence sector:

·        Savings in time and costs with Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)

·        Readiness for defence development, enabling rapid response to evolving needs

·        Reduction in assembly time, consolidating multiple parts into a single component

·        Digital spare part inventory management for enhanced efficiency

·        Localised and on-demand manufacturing for immediate support

·        Deployment-ready 3D printing for on-site production

·        Rapid production of spare parts within hours

·        Custom parts tailored to specific requirements

To illustrate how Additive Manufacturing can elevate the defence industry, here are some examples of applications in the defence industry:

·        Prototype for test-life applications

·        Replacement of end-use parts with enhanced functional strength

·        Design of jigs, fixtures, and tooling

·        Creation of semi-structural components such as brackets and clips

·        Development of enclosures and housings

Now, let us delve into a real-world application spotlight:

The above example highlights the versatility of Additive Manufacturing in creating a wide range of parts. Markforged offers a variety of printers to suit diverse requirements. We suggest the Desktop Printers range for its ease of transport and suitability for small parts printing. If your project demands larger components, the Industrial Printers range can meet your needs. However, remember these printers are larger than the Desktop Printers, which may introduce logistical considerations to your workflow.

So why is Additive Manufacturing so crucial in the Defence sector? As 3D printing technology continues to advance, Additive Manufacturing will maintain its pivotal role in the ongoing evolution of the defence industry. It is not just a tool; it is a strategic imperative for ensuring the security and effectiveness of our armed forces.

From expediting rapid prototyping and facilitating customisability to delivering substantial cost savings, the benefits of Additive Manufacturing in the defence sector are numerous; it empowers defence contractors to respond swiftly to emerging threats, craft highly specialised equipment, trims expenses, and guarantees readiness, even in the most challenging operational environments.

Furthermore, Additive Manufacturing serves as a beacon of hope for supply chain resilience. Its capacity to enable the on-demand production of critical components acts as a robust safeguard against disruptions stemming from natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, and other unforeseen events. Additive Manufacturing is more than technology; it is a cornerstone of the defence industry’s future, promising innovative solutions to age-old challenges.

If you would like to chat with someone about Markforged technology, contact us at sales@coreadditive.au or submit a form and someone from the team will reach out to you.